S tim ulus: plans: good or bad? Jobs: can we afford them? M one y: who's got it? Everybody's talking about the econo my , but how can you evaluate what they're saying? How can we, the people, understand what the banks or government knows (or says they know)? Author Michael Goodwin asked him se lf the same questions and came up with a good answer: e xplore the dev elopment of econo mi c thought, e x amine the reality of economic practice, add a wry sense of humour and tell all through the graphic medium. In a word , Economix. Goodwin's wit and clarity of writing along with artist Dan Burr's quirky, iconic art transform the "dismal science" of economics into a fun, fact-filled story about human nature and our attempts to make the most of what we've got ...and sometimes what our neighbors have got. Economix ex plains it all from the beginning of Western economic thought to markets, free or other wise , to economic failures, successes and anomalies, to how our modern economy is gr app ling with war, climate change and resource limitations. The book's graphic format means complex ideas can be comprehensive and accessible.