From object technology pi one er and ETH Zurich pro fessor Bertrand Meyer, winner of the Jolt award and the ACM Software System Award, a revolutionary te x tbook that makes learning program mi ng fun and rewarding. Meyer builds his pre se ntation on a rich object-oriented soft ware system supporting graphics and multi media , which students can use to produce impressive app lications from day one, then understand inside out as they learn new programming techniques. Unique to Touch of Class is a com bin ation of a practical, hands-on approach to programming with the introduction of sound theoretical support focused on helping students learn the construction of high quality software. The use of full color brings ex citing programming concepts to life. Among the useful features of the book is the use of Design by Contract, critical to software quality and providing a gentle introduction to formal methods. Will give students a major advantage by teaching professional -level techniques in a literate, relaxed and humorous way.